Dr. Bo Bai is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Asia Green Fund (AGF). AGF, through its controlled subsidiary with private equity management license in P.R.China, currently manages U.S.-China Green Fund I. Dr. Bai is the Chairman of East Low Carbon, and a director of Capital Heating, Four Rivers, Huitongda, Novo Environment, and AiPark. From 2009-2016, Dr. Bai worked for Warburg Pincus. As a Partner and Managing Director, he led its investments in the energy, industrials and business services sectors in Asia. Previously, he worked at First Reserve Corporation and Goldman Sachs. Dr. Bai was a director of AAG Energy, Kaifeng Baosteel Gases, Southernpec Storage, Sunnywell, First Green Partner, Titan Group Investment Limited, China Advanced Gas Resources, and Gulf Coast Energy Resources. Dr. Bai holds a B.S. and an M.S. in Physics from the University of Science and Technology of China, a certificate from the Sloan School of Management at MIT in the Financial Technology Option and a Ph.D. in Physics from MIT.
白波博士是绿动资本的董事长兼首席执行官,和中美绿色基金的创始人。他同时 担任上海东方低碳董事长,以及首创热力、四源合结构调整基金、汇通达、诺客 环境,和智慧互通的董事。白博士于 2009-2016 年任职于美国华平投资集团,作 为合伙人和董事总经理负责华平在亚太区的能源、工业和商业服务行业的投资。 加入华平之前,白博士曾就职于第一储备(First Reserve Corporation)和高盛集团(Goldman Sachs)。白博士曾担任亚美能源、开封市宝钢气体、南方石化仓储、盛 利维尔、First Green Partner、泰山石化仓储、华成燃气和Gulf Coast Energy Resources的董事。白博士持有中国科学技术大学物理学学士和硕士学位,麻省理工斯隆商学院金融工程学证书,以及麻省理工学院物理学博士学位。