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Caixin Summer Summit 2020: Restoring Global Confidence (Video)
Jun 19, 2020 01:59 PM

Caixin Summer Summit 2020: Restoring Global Confidence (Video)

June 21st, Sunday

Caixin Virtual Concert: Summer Time with Caixin Global

Artists in the economic and financial fields from China and abroad share how they think about life, how music gives them strength, and what they expect from the future during COVID-19, using music to re-store and revive their audience. (Event Replay

June 22nd, Monday

Opening Host:
HU Shuli, Publisher of Caixin Media


Opening Address
HUANG Shan, Editor-in-Chief of Caixin Summit


Opening Speech
ZHOU Xiaochuan, President of China Society for Finance and Bank-ing; Former Governor of the People's Bank of China
Carrie LAM CHENG Yuet-ngor, The Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, People’s Republic of China


Keynote Speech/Dialogue: The Global Economy and Its Outlook during the Pandemic (Replay)
The sudden outbreak and spread of the coronavirus pandemic will in-evitably have a significant influence on the global economic, financial, and geopolitical situation. How will this pandemic reshape the global economy? How can we strengthen international cooperation? During this pandemic, how can China take advantage of its economic resili-ence and potential?

Paul CHAN Mo-po
, Financial Secretary of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
FANG Xinghai
, Vice Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Com-mission
, Managing Director of Monetary Authority of Singapore
CHEN Siqing, Chairman of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
LI Zengxin, Deputy General Manager of Caixin Global


Plenary Session: New Infrastructure: Models and Paths (Replay)
Before the outbreak of the coronavirus, “new infrastructure” projects were already an important driving force behind China’s transition towards a more quality-focused growth model. Now, after the government has released guidelines on prevention and control measures for the coronavirus, these projects will undoubtedly have even more momentum. “New infrastructure” projects and traditional infrastructure projects will play an important and complementary role in advancing China’s economic growth. What is the difference between “new infrastructure” projects and traditional ones? Which industries are expected to transform? How can technologies such as 5G, AI, the industrial internet and the Internet of Things help to improve China’s manufacturing sector and real economy? How can we innovate our investment models to help market entities and social capital better play their roles? How will “new infrastructure” projects push forward China’s new urbanization?

HUANG Qifan, Vice Chairman of China International Economic Ex-change Center; Vice Chairman of 12th NPC Financial and Economic Affairs Committee
Wang Jianzhou, Senior Advisor to the GSMA; Former Chairman of China Mobile
BA Shusong, Managing Director and Chief China Economist of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
LING Ke, Chairman of Gemdale Group
WU Minghui, Founder, Chairman and CEO of MININGLAMP Technology
ZHOU Bowen, Chair of JD Technology Committee; President of JD Cloud & AI

Angelina QU
, Chief Editor of


Keynote Speech/Dialogue: Precise Prevention and Control Amid the Pandemic (Replay)

ZHANG Wenhong, Head of Shanghai's Covid-19 Clinical Expert Team; Director of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Shanghai Huashan Hospital

, Executive Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Caixin Media; Edi-tor-in-Chief of


Special Speech: Being Prepared for the Next Pandemic (Replay)
This will not be the last major public health emergency. To prevent dis-asters, how should governments, businesses, and international organizations fulfill their roles? How should leaders worldwide prepare for the next pandemic, support each other, and improve scientific innovation and international cooperation?

Mark SUZMAN, Chief Executive Officer of Bill & Melinda Gates Foun-dation
, CEO of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance

, Deputy Chief Editor of Caixin Media; Deputy Chief Editor of


Discussion Session: Challenges Facing the Fintech Industry (Replay)
After the coronavirus outbreak, financial institutions have transformed rapidly. The value of financial technologies, such as remote services, offering loans to targeted groups, and the elimination of cross-border trading barriers, has become more apparent. How can financial and technology businesses support each other? How can the fin-tech industry and the traditional financial sector develop in a complementary way? How will China’s adoption of digital currency reshape the industry? How should regulatory challenges be overcome? How can we achieve better big data governance under the Credit China program?
ZHOU Chengjun, Director-general of Research Institute of the People’s Bank of China
HUANG Yiping, Deputy Dean of National School of Development and Director of Institute of Digital Finance, Peking University
ZHU Ning, Deputy Dean of Finance at the Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance
Dave CHENN, Founder and CEO of Oceanpine Capital
YUE Yue, Deputy Director of Asset Management News Desk of Caixin Media


Speech/Dialogue: Cross Border Trade and Global Supply Chains (Replay)
During the pandemic, what challenges may arise for global trading ac-tivities and supply chains? Will the pandemic reshape the global trad-ing landscape? How should we plan for the future? How can China serve as a stabilizing anchor for global supply chains? What new op-portunities will new technologies bring that can benefit global trading?
CHEN Deming, Former Minister of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce; Chairman of the China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment; Professor of Tsinghua University
Pascal LAMY, President of the Paris Peace Forum; Former Director General of the World Trade Organization
LUI Tuck Yew, Singapore’s Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China
, Deputy Managing Editor of Caixin Media


【ESG30 Special Session】Registration System Reform and ESG Information Disclosure for Listed Companies (Replay)
The quality of ESG information disclosure will be an increasingly im-portant consideration for both listed companies and long-term investors as the IPO registration system reform is implemented. The capital market's performance since the outbreak of Covid-19 demonstrates that companies with better ESG performance are more resilient, an observation with which academia and the investment community concur. So then, what are the requirements for listed companies’ information disclosure under the new registration system? In China, what will be included in the ESG information disclosure that represents, in a way, a company’s long-term value? Since investors cannot directly follow individual aspects of a listed company’s ESG information, how should we set up an evaluation system that suits China?

HU Jiafu, Vice Chairman of Asset Management Association of China
YU Jiantuo, Deputy Secretary-general, China Development Research Foundation
WANG Xiaoshu, Head of APAC ESG ResearchRichard SHENG, Secretary to the Board of Directors and Brand Director of Ping An of China
LI Quansheng,Managing Director and General Manager of Stock Investment Department of Bosera Asset Management Co., Limited
GAO Erji, Vice President of Caixin Media; Executive President of Caixin Insight

June 23rd, Tuesday
Future Women Forum: Fearless, Limitless

The future is coming, and women are responding to it.
The new technology revolution is restructuring modern society: industries are reshaping, society is changing, and rules are evolving. The impact is unprecedentedly wide, profound, and fierce, thus bringing great opportunities to fearless pioneers. Women show their power in diverse fields: they create their own business kingdoms, make technological breakthroughs, excel in cultures and education, and inspire the vulnerable to be heard. Fearless women are opening up the limitless possibilities of life, making our society more resilient than ever before.


YUAN Xiaoshan, Anchor of Caixin Video


Opening Address
LING Huawei, Chief Editor of Caixin Media


Keynote Speech: New Cognition and Response amid COVID-19
CHEN Chunhua, Dean of BiMBA of National School of Development, Peking University


Keynote Speech: Innovation and Scaling-up in Nanotechnology
CUI Yi, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering of Stanford University


Keynote Speech: Building on Current Achievements and Forging Ahead
Jane SUN, Chief Executive Officer of Group


Discussion Session: Female Innovators and Social Responsibility
Various types of innovation that have emerged under the new technol-ogy revolution are presenting limitless possibilities. What progress can female innovators bring to our society? Where would their performance in innovation and social responsibility lead us to in the future?

, Founder and Managing Partner of Fusion Fund
Shirley YU, Group General Manager of Visa Greater China
JI Xiaochen, Founder, Chairman and CEO of Moviebook
Michelle CHEN, Executive Director of Oceanpine Capital

LI Xin, Vice President of Caixin Media; Managing Director of Caixin Global


"She Creates, Therefore She Is" 2019 Women in Sci-Tech Innovation Awards

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